Ring The Bell!!!
On today we commemorate Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his commitment to service.
I had an opportunity to serve as the Grand Marshall and Speaker for the Shelby County NAACP MLK 20th Annual Unity March and Proram.
If you are interested in joining a powerful movement in Shelby County, contact my team today at AshleyNBellForJudge@gmail.com
OnTheMoveWithBell on (FaceBook, IG, Twitter).
Listed below are ways that one may contribute. Thank you for your support.
1.$ABellCampaign2024 (CashApp)
2. AshleyBellCampaign (Venmo)
3. Cash/Check (Checks Made Payable to: Committee To Elect Ashley N. Bell
4. PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/...
5. P.O Box 657, Chelsea, AL 35043