Stanley Stoutamire, Jr., a resident of Calera and senior at John Carroll Catholic High School, spent March 4 – 11 in Washington D.C. as one of two delegates from Alabama to the U.S. Senate Youth Program. This prestigious program selects two outstanding young leaders from each state, plus the District of Columbia and the Department of Defense Schools. Selection for the program is based on leadership abilities, commitment to volunteer work, and academic achievement, along with recommendations from school officials.
Young Mr. Stoutamire was the guest speaker at a recent meeting of the Shelby County Democratic Party. With poise and eloquence unusual in someone still too young to vote, Stanley entertained an enthralled audience, in person and on Zoom, with his description of the arduous application and selection process, his whirlwind week of meetings with government officials, tours of government buildings and national monuments, plus becoming friends with other high school seniors from all over the country.
The most memorable public figures with whom he met were Senator John Hickenlooper and Justice Sonia Sotomayor, both of whom spoke in depth of their own paths toward a life of public service, and who encouraged the young leaders to embrace unexpected opportunities. Stanley and Ella Duus, the other Alabama delegate who is from Huntsville, were also scheduled to meet with Alabama’s senators; Senator Tuberville was in a meeting at the appointed time, but they enjoyed a lively conversation with the personable Senator Katie Britt.
Stanley Stoutamire, Jr. is now back at home in Calera, where he lives with proud parents Stanley, Sr. and Clarissa, with loads of photos and memories, and a renewed appreciation of the effort that goes into making government work for all Americans. Although his sights are set on medical school at this time, who knows what opportunities might arise for this talented, promising young man.

Contact: Questions about your state’s delegates, alternates or state selection process:
Dr. Carolyn A. Jones at or (334) 694-4768.
For general information about the United States Senate Youth Program:
Program Director Ms. Rayne Guilford at or (800) 425-3632.
Alabama Students Selected for United States Senate Youth Program
Students Headed to Washington, D. C. and to Receive $10,000 Scholarship
January 10, 2023, Washington, D.C. —The United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) announces that high school students Ms. Ella Ryan Duus and Mr. Stanley Jerome Stoutamire, Jr. will join Senator Tommy Tuberville and Senator Katie Britt in representing Alabama during the 61st annual USSYP Washington Week, to be held March 4 — 11, 2023. Ella Duus of Huntsville and Stanley Stoutamire of Calera were selected from among the state’s top student leaders to be part of the 104 national student delegation. Each delegate will also receive a $10,000 college scholarship for undergraduate study.
The USSYP was created by Senate Resolution 324 in 1962 and has been sponsored by the Senate and fully funded by The Hearst Foundations since inception. Originally proposed by Senators Kuchel, Mansfield, Dirksen and Humphrey, the Senate leadership of the day, the impetus for the program as stated in Senate testimony is "to increase young Americans’ understanding of the interrelationships of the three branches of government, learn the caliber and responsibilities of federally elected and appointed officials, and emphasize the vital importance of democratic decision making not only for America but for people around the world."
Each year this extremely competitive merit-based program provides the most outstanding high school students - two from each state, the District of Columbia and the Department of Defense Education Activity - with an intensive week-long study of the federal government and the people who lead it. The overall mission of the program is to help instill within each class of USSYP student delegates more profound knowledge of the American political process and a lifelong commitment to public service. In addition to the program week, The Hearst Foundations provide each student with a $10,000 undergraduate college scholarship with encouragement to continue coursework in government, history and public affairs. All expenses for Washington Week are also provided by The Hearst Foundations; as stipulated in S.Res.324, no government funds are utilized.
Ella Duus, a senior at New Century Technology High School, serves as the president of the Student Government Association.She is a National Merit Semifinalist, a two-time national qualifier in Congressional debate, and a RISE Global Winner. She is also the co-founder of Datakata LLC, a machine learning startup that has contracted with NASA, and has won first place in the 2022 Alabama Economics Challenge. Additionally, Ella is the Speech and Debate captain, Model United Nations founder and head delegate, and Academic Team captain for her school. Ella served as the Federalist chair at Alabama Girls State.
She plans to enroll in a Bachelor’s and Master’s program in public policy and computer science. Upon graduation from college, she intends to seek hands-on experience in the technology industry before entering a public service career field.
2023 Alabama Delegate Announcement